A decision tree ensemble implementation (see: http://course18.fast.ai).

The main goals for this project are to;


I don't think we want to create a pip install for this project ... if you're looking for a production ready tree ensemble/random forest, you really should use https://scikit-learn.org/ instead (o:

How to use

bulldozers_data = np.load('test/data/bulldozers.npy', allow_pickle=True)
train_data = DataWrapper(*bulldozers_data[:4])
valid_data = DataWrapper(*bulldozers_data[4:])
train_data, valid_data
(DataWrapper(x:['YearMade' 'Coupler_System' 'ProductSize' 'fiProductClassDesc' 'ModelID'
  'saleElapsed' 'fiSecondaryDesc' 'fiModelDesc' 'Enclosure'
  'fiModelDescriptor' 'Hydraulics_Flow' 'Drive_System' 'ProductGroup'
  'Track_Type' 'state' 'saleDay' 'ProductGroupDesc' 'age'] y:SalePrice, len:389125),
 DataWrapper(x:['YearMade' 'Coupler_System' 'ProductSize' 'fiProductClassDesc' 'ModelID'
  'saleElapsed' 'fiSecondaryDesc' 'fiModelDesc' 'Enclosure'
  'fiModelDescriptor' 'Hydraulics_Flow' 'Drive_System' 'ProductGroup'
  'Track_Type' 'state' 'saleDay' 'ProductGroupDesc' 'age'] y:SalePrice, len:12000))
def time_fit(n_rows, sample_size=1500, n_trees=10):
    data = train_data.tail(int(n_rows))
    if sample_size<1: sample_size=int(n_rows*sample_size)
    m = TreeEnsemble(data, sample_size=sample_size, n_trees=n_trees, min_leaf_samples=5)
    %time m.fit()
    print('\n', m, '\n')
    test_preds = m.predict(valid_data.x)
    loss = rmse(test_preds, valid_data.y); print('loss', loss)
    plt.scatter(test_preds, valid_data.y, alpha=.1);
time_fit(1e4, 750, n_trees=50)
CPU times: user 132 ms, sys: 60.1 ms, total: 192 ms
Wall time: 2.64 s

 tEnsemble(data=DataWrapper(x:['YearMade' 'Coupler_System' 'ProductSize' 'fiProductClassDesc' 'ModelID'
 'saleElapsed' 'fiSecondaryDesc' 'fiModelDesc' 'Enclosure'
 'fiModelDescriptor' 'Hydraulics_Flow' 'Drive_System' 'ProductGroup'
 'Track_Type' 'state' 'saleDay' 'ProductGroupDesc' 'age'] y:SalePrice, len:10000) n_trees=50 sample_size=750 max_depth=None min_leaf_samples=5) 

loss 0.426771206036015
time_fit(3125, 750)
CPU times: user 24.3 ms, sys: 50.9 ms, total: 75.2 ms
Wall time: 575 ms

 tEnsemble(data=DataWrapper(x:['YearMade' 'Coupler_System' 'ProductSize' 'fiProductClassDesc' 'ModelID'
 'saleElapsed' 'fiSecondaryDesc' 'fiModelDesc' 'Enclosure'
 'fiModelDescriptor' 'Hydraulics_Flow' 'Drive_System' 'ProductGroup'
 'Track_Type' 'state' 'saleDay' 'ProductGroupDesc' 'age'] y:SalePrice, len:3125) n_trees=10 sample_size=750 max_depth=None min_leaf_samples=5) 

loss 0.608024711256359

Decision Tree dev project set-up

You can create a decision_tree anaconda enviroment with the following;

conda create -n decision_tree python=3.7 -y
conda activate decision_tree
pip install nbdev
pip install pandas
pip install matplotlib

Note: If you want to use this project to try out changes to the nbdev project, use an editable nbdev install. i.e. git clone nbdev then, pip install -e nbdev - assuming you are in the parent folder of nbdev.

git commands

Show local changes

git status

git diff

Stage all changes

git add -A

Commmit all staged changes

git commit -m "message"

Push changes to github

git push

Pull upstream changes


I was hoping to do a run on all of this data - but it's too slow unless we use a sub-set

using prun while training a single DecisionTree tells us;

18998653 function calls (18972487 primitive calls) in 18.418 seconds

   Ordered by: internal time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
  8478750    5.034    0.000    5.034    0.000 core.py:28(upd)
   261670    4.998    0.000   17.480    0.000 models.py:23(best_split_for_col)
   645756    1.337    0.000    1.337    0.000 {method 'reduce' of 'numpy.ufunc' objects}
   915106    1.224    0.000    2.384    0.000 core.py:21(agg_std)
   915106    0.828    0.000    1.160    0.000 core.py:20(agg_var)
   261670    0.579    0.000    0.579    0.000 data.py:73(get_sample)

This is too slow to be of any use - we need to be able to train with ~half a millon rows in ~30 seconds

n_trees/sample_size number of rows used in training Wall time
10/1500 1e4 1.93 s
10/20% 4e4 10.4 s
10/20% 1e5 26.5 s
10/1500 4e4 1.87 s

it takes ~3s to train a single tree on 10000 rows

nbdev testing

hide output/input

print('output should be hidden: hide_output')
print('output should be hidden: hide-output')
input should be hidden: hide_input
input should be hidden: hide-input

